's been awhile. A long while.
My biggest reason for being a crafting slacker is that I got a job! A perfect work-at-home job that paid really well and I could do while my Little Guy was taking his naps in the afternoon. Life was good. Things were going well. Then my project ended ubruptly because of lack of funding. So, here I am! Back in the crafting world and ready to rededicate myself to my Etsy!
Want to see a couple of fun things I was busy with during my Etsy/Blog Hiatus? Okay! Here we go!
Who doesn't love candy corn?? |
Cookie Bones! |
Eensy Weensy! |
Ghosties and Jack-O-Lanterns! |
"Well, this is a splendid party, if I do say so myself." |
Handmade Thank You Cards |
Delicious Blueberry Themed Brunch (Plus a few other things...) |
Felt Banner! |
Oh...and I also did a lot of taking care of things like this...
And enjoying delicous homemade things like this...
Courtesy of my wonderful hubby! |
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