Check out the
Barn Bag for a fun idea to help keep these animals together!
I'm so excited to share this tutorial with you! I've been meaning to put this up for awhile now and hope you enjoy it. I apologize ahead of time for the length of the tutorial, but I put in lots of pictures! I got the idea for these cute little guys from this
post from Just Another Day in Paradise. I just had to try them out, so I used some of her templates and then ended up making my own which you can access
Here's what you have to look forward to:
Excited? Okay, well let's get started! I have some general guidelines and then I'll do a section for each animal so you can see how they each go together.
First things
- Felt. I just used the $0.29 sheets of felt from Michael's. The list below for the colors you need is to make them just like I did. If you want to change the color of any of them, go ahead! Make it your own! If you have scraps of felt, you only need a little bit of the Orange, Dark Red, Cream and Black. You can get one "body" out of each piece of felt and then use the scraps for all the accent pieces. Here's the color list:
- 2 Sheets White
- 1 Sheet Copper
- 1 Sheet Dark Brown
- 1 Sheet Charcoal Gray
- 1 Sheet Light Gray
- 1 Sheet Oatmeal
- 1 Sheet Golden Yellow
- 1 Sheet Tan
- 1 Sheet Pink
- 1 Sheet Orange
- 1 Sheet Dark Red
- 1 Sheet Cream
- 1 Sheet Black
- Embroidery Thread to match each of the colors of felt (or compliment if you want...i.e. I used a dark brown thread on my chicken so you could see the stitches really well.)
- Needles big enough to fit all 6 strands of the embroidery thread through
- Scissors
- Something to trace the pattern pieces onto the felt. I used my trusty fine-tip Sharpie!
- Animal Template printed & cut out. I did mine on cardstock because I knew I would be using them over and over again. I found it easiest to keep them separated by animal in ziplock bags. Then you know you have all the pieces for each animal in one little compact place.
- Notice there are three copies of the "body" so you can cut them out for the Regular Body, Bird Body, and one with the "fluff" head for the sheep. Believe me. It's totally worth printing and cutting out the three different ones. It'll save you a LOT of hassle.
A Few General Guidlines & Tips:
- I found it's easier to cut out all of the pieces for every puppet first. I use my handy ziploc sandwich bags to keep the pattern pieces and the cut out felt peices together by animal.
- With the embroidery thread, I use all 6 strands to sew these guys together so it will be more noticeable. I just thread the needle, knot the end and I'm ready to go!
These start out the same as the flat ears. Start at one bottom corner. |
Sew all the way around, but don't tie off the thread just yet. Again, you don't have to worry about sewing the bottom of the ear because it will be sewn in when you sew the ears on the animal head. |
Now, pinch together the bottom of the ear. |
Sew a stitch through the pinched ear at the bottom. You can do a couple of stitches if you want. |
Then tie it off and you have a gathered ear. Believe me. It's worth the extra couple of stitches when you start putting them together. It looks a lot better. |
Ready? Okay. We'll start with an easier one.
Quack, Quack
- Pieces to cut out:
- 2 Golden Yellow Fowl Body peices
- 3 Golden Yellow Tail Feathers
- 1 Orange Duck Bill
Arrange the pieces so you know where they go. (Back view on left, Front view on right...Captain Obvious...I know.)
Start Sewing! Use just a simple stitch that I like to call "Up, Down" and sew the duck bill on the front and the feathers on the back.
For the feathers on the back, I like to lay all three down to get them where I want and sew them all on at once as if it was one piece instead of three. |
Here's how it should look before you sew it together.
The Finished Product! |
Easy, right? Okay, keep going! They get a little bit harder as we go along, but you can do it! I just put pictures in the rest of the tutorials unless there is something that needs explaining.
Cluck, Cluck
- Pieces to cut out:
- 2 Oatmeal Fowl Body pieces
- 1 Golden Yellow Chicken Beak
- 1 Dark Red Chicken Head Piece
NOTE: When sewing on the red chicken head piece, you only sew on the bottom half of it because it hangs off the top of the head a little bit. You'll see what I mean when you see the next picture. |
When sewing together the body pieces of this one, make sure and sew UNDER the read chicken head piece. |
Two down! |
Oink, Oink
- Pieces to cut out:
- 2 Pink Regular Body pieces
- 4 Pink Pig Ears
- 1 Pink Piggy Snout
- 1 Pink Curly Tail
- 4 Light Gray Hooves
- 1 Light Gray Belly
Close up of how I sew the pig tail on. |
Don't forget the ears as you sew the pig up! |
Hooves go on last. You should be feeling proud of yourself just about now. |
Baa, Baa
- Pieces to cut out:
- 2 White Fluffy Head Body pieces
- 1 White Lamb Tail
- 4 White Lamb Ears
- 1 Cream Lamb Face
- 1 Cream Belly
- 1 Pink Lamb Nose
I found it easier to sew the whol lamb face before sewing it onto the body. For the mouth I just did one longer stitch and then used a little stitch to pull it down so it was kind of in a smile. You can just play around with it until you get something you like.
Gotta love that cute fluffy tail. With this one you may have to cut a little extra fluff off the top if the fluff on the front doesn't line up with the fluff on the back. |
Moo, Moo
Notice the gathered ears on this one.
You can leave the cow bell off if it's not your thing. |
Meow, Meow
Pieces to cut out:
2 Dark Gray Regular Body pieces
1 Dark Gray Cat Tail
4 Dark Gray Cat Ears
1 Light Gray Belly
2 Light Gray Big Paw Circles
6 Light Gray Tiny Paw Circles
1 White Cat Mouth Piece
1 Pink Cat Nose
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Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures. Bad lighting + iPad camera + trying to blance/take picture & keep toddler away from felt pieces = these kinds of pictures. The nose really is pink, and the cat mout is white, not glowing white like it looks in this picture. |
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Sew the white mouth piece on first and then the cute pink nose on after that.
The ears are flat on this one. Play around with placement of the ears before you sew them on. It gives it a different look depending on where they are on the head. |
Yes, those paws were worth it! |
Woof, Woof
If you want your dog to look less like a rabbit, you can stitch the ears down like this. Or you can leave them up so they can flop around. |
Ready for the last one? Here it comes! |
Neigh, Neigh
Pieces to cut out:
2 Copper Regular Body Pieces
4 Copper Horse Ears
4 Dark Gray Hooves
1 Dark Brown Belly
1 Dark Brown Horse Tail
1 Dark Brown Horse Nose
12 Dark Brown Horse Hairs (Don't worry...these look a lot harder to sew on than they are! You can do it!)
1 Cream Horse Nose Stripe
Okay. The horse hair. Here we go. First, you need to fold over one piece so it makes a loop and just stitch that together so it stays in the loop. Then fold over a second piece and do the same, but stitch it to the first one when you stitch it closed into the loop. Then add one on the other side too. That is the part of the hair you will sew in (just like the ears) between the ears when you are sewing the body together. |
To sew the mane on the back, you do almost the same thing you did for the hair you just finished sewing, except you sew it directly onto the back body piece. You start by looping and stitching one straight in the middle. Then you add one on each side until it looks like this. |
Then you do the same thing with two more layers, putting it just under the loop of the previous layer until you have three layers of beautiful horse hair! |
Then you're ready to sew him together! Just make sure you remember the ears and the horse hair in between the ears. |
This one is definitely my favorite! The horse never fails to impress when people find out you made these puppets. |
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