So, my Mom is wonderful and for Valentines Day she would always make us Rice Krispie Hearts. It was magical when we were kids. We would go to bed on February 13th and wake up on February 14th to find our own individual pink-ish Rice Krispie treat heart complete with candy or some other treat in the top of it. Since she decorates wedding cakes, she had a plethora of heart shaped pans and would lay the candy down and then dump the warm, gooey rice krispie treat on top and smash it down, and then arrange it beautifully on individual plants for each of us. I attempted this last year, and let's just didn't look much like a heart. So this year, I got smart! I bought these springform pans from Target and solved all my heart-shaping problems! This year we used fruit snacks as the "treat" in them. They turned out a LOT better than last year, and my Mom would be proud!
I had fun making homemade valentine's this year too! Check out the tutorial tab to see my links for my Easy Crayon Valentine (Little Man's valentine to Daddy) and my Fold Out Valentine Card!
I also made my Love a delicious dinner. Here's the menu and the links to the recipes I used. I've noted any alterations I made. It was DELICIOUS and needless to say, there wasn't many leftovers that night! I think I might see how many times I can use the word "delicious"....
The Main Course:
Olive Garden Alfredo Sauce: we like to half the garlic because it's really strong, and then add some extra cheese because it's delicious! FYI...this isn't that good the next day. It kind of separates and makes you realize just how much butter you consumed. Just don't look at the calories and it will be the best dinner you've ever had! Cook up some Fetuccini and you'll have everyone impressed with your homemade sauce!
Oven Baked Parmesean Chicken Strips: SO delicious and easy. I didn't have all the spices, so I just used onion & garlic powder and some black pepper and they were delicious. I wish I would have made more...
Chocolate Raspberry Hearts: Nutella. Need I say more?
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