What happens when an English teacher has a baby? An ABC shower, of course! This was for one of my very best friends, H., who is having a baby boy in August.
She loves word games, so we took that and made it the theme of her shower. We used scrabble tiles (well, actually Bananagram tiles) to spell out things on the tables for an added touch.
I also borrowed my 2-year-old's blocks for a decoration, since they went so well with the theme. He loves H. so I'm sure he didn't mind.
This is similar to the bunting I made for S. and her little girl, but with 1/4 yard fabric instead of 1/2 a yard. See the longer, pinker version here. |
ABC everything! The watermelon I cut out with cookie cutters, the letter cookies are from Trader Joe's and the scrabble Cheez-Its were just perfect for the occasion.
Gotta have cake balls, right?
This punch was delicious. Blue Hawaiian Punch, Sprite & lime sherbet. It was beautiful and tasty!
Those Trader Joe cookies came in handy for one of our games too. We let each team take as many cookies as they wanted, timed them as they spelled out baby related words in Bananagram style, and then told them they had to eat all the ones they didn't use before the time was up. It was hilarious to watch them try to bite the letters into the letter they REALLY needed. We let them try to justify all the words that maybe didn't quite fit the baby theme of the game, and it was fun to see the imaginations go wild!
Cutest baby bump! |
This game was one that L. found online and it was a hit! It was a matching game and under each number there was a baby related word such as Poopy Diaper, Bottle, Contractions, etc. When somebody found a match there was a corresponding candy bar for the prize. One of the best baby shower games I've ever played. Super easy to put together and fun to play.
Print right on the sticky notes to make it super easy! Here's a tutorial on how! |
The ones we used for this game were:
Contractions - Good & Plenty
Nursing Bra - Reese's Big Cups
Bottle - Milky Way
11 lb. Baby - Whoppers
Lullabies - Symphony
Newborn - Sugar Babies
Giggles - Snickers
Pacifier - Ring Pop
Poopy Diaper - Tootsie Rolls
Epidural - Lifesavers
Dirty Laundry - Mounds
Family - 3 Musketeers
We also had people guess when baby was going to arrive. The one that is the closest to the actual due date gets a prize! Last time we did this, we sent and e-gift card to Coldstone. You better believe that made them happy they guessed the right date!
I just want to give a shout out to L. & A. who made this SO much fun and helped me more than they will ever know! Thanks, Ladies!
Congrats, H.! Can't wait to meet the little guy!